Sunday, December 13, 2009

Some Updates

due to some issues with rapidshare i uploaded the new version of Operation Werewolf on filefront.however this does just include some minor fixes and is the download have fun and please report bugs and suggestions in the comments

And now back to Bloodrage which has gone threw some major changes in the past weeks, the most significant might be the change to a pure textmode-renderer, it may not sound good to some people but just wait until you see the first ingame pics :->

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Operation Werewolf

well its time for a little release,dont you agree? and what could be better if this release is related with one of my most favourite games???,righto nothin!! and here it is: the first beta release of mechcommander gold: operation werewolf.
operation werewolf sends ya back on the battlefields of Port Arthur (sorry folks but i only made the changes here for this release) with new technology from the expansion campaign as well as completly new stuff so kick back and enjoy this download

Monday, November 2, 2009

Entering the World of BloodRage

Hallo everyone this one is gonna be a real exciting one.Yeah its true our own Engine (we decided to dont use Fritzquake ,but i wont quit development on it folks ;) ) draws its first ingame pictures at pretty nice framerate.
Now i wont hold you any longer and here is some eyecandy,btw this grey line at the button will be replaced by the hud...

Monday, October 26, 2009


long time no posts here , i think we gotta change this a bit , dont you all agree????? So what exactly is Fritzquake?
Fritzquake is an enhanced version of the Fitzquake engine (one of the thousands of glquake sourceports) , the major difference between those two ports is simply that Fritzquake fixes some bugs (nv 191.x compatible, own cfg files....)
as well as an ingame lightmap compiler which stores highres lightmaps (and deluxemaps for modern GPUs) in an external file.Scince this Port will be the Engine for Bloodrage u can expect other features to come with the first release but till now i just wanted to focus on the following list:
-some minor fixes
-raytracing based hq lightmap compiler
-highres textures
-Normalpatches and Displacement mapping for models (who needs truform,eh?)

Friday, October 2, 2009

furnaze @ Dresden

It was one of these days when u better keep yourself locked away from the weather, when me and basti made the decission to drink a few more.And so it came that we ran into Olivier , who informed us that they'll play in Dresden the next day.Well and after a lot of beer (unfortinatly Furnaze werent able to stay with us till end),4 hours of sleep and a mess in the kitchen ,i finally found my way into the tram and up to the "Scheinbar" where the whole party began....
The fact that furnaze destroyed the audience with one thrashattack after another, and that my beloved jameson was cheap like hell, made me loosing my neck this evening.U FOLKS ROCK LIKE HELL!!!!!!
i also recorded about 11 minutes and im going to ask, if i can upload it to this blog, so you folks can draw the picture yourself :-)

[edit] unfortinatly the quality was too crappy ..... maybe next time :P

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

between slaughtery and nightmares:bloodrage

Well well everyone its been quite a while scince my last post, so i guess there are some questions in youre heads.During the Summer i mostly spend my time outside , with friends and beer, and of course there was alsobit time left for some new projects.Now we nearly reached the first techdemos and so ive decided to talk in this first post , after the blogrestart, about it.

"bloodrage" is the internal project name for a 2.5D engine me and some friends are currently working on, which will introduce some cool new ideas to the fps world.Our goal is to create an fast software rendered fps, with an extremly high amount of enemies ,running on nearly every system that reaches the cpu specs (the gpu is only used for drawing the pixels on youre screen).While modern engines and games are only featuring more photorealistic graphics we decided that gameplay,modsupport and compability shall be our focus.In the following u'll find a list of keyfeatures:
-raycasting based software rendering
-multifloor worlds
-volumetric sprite models
-per-pixel lighting
-ingame editor and other modding tools