Tuesday, January 25, 2011

its been awhile...

gee i cant believe that scince my last post a month already passed, time rly runs fast eh? (mhh maybe i shouldnt sleep so much lol) my 3d engine has been through alot of changes scince i went over to the C#-frontline. the kratom engine does now use wpf and is currently getting its editor,
the editor will help developers to manage content and theire scripts. another thing that might be interessting is that ive decided to add a "Spore"-like modelformat in addition to the static ".map"-models which could come in handy scince the engine will be heavily opitmized for small filesizes and websupport. btw, scince we are already talking about websupport and small filesizes, ive decided to leave out texturesupport scince this is totally outdated in my opinion. instead im going to make use of "Procedural ScreenSpace VectorTileMapping" (PSSVTM) which is basically a mixture of parallaxmapping tech and procedural textures. the differences however are:
1.) the parallaxeffect isnt restricted to be a 2.5D effect cuz instead of a simply heightmap it uses vectorgraphics , which allows stuff like "pixel over pixels" ...
2.) the effect is done in ScreeSpace which basically means that only visible pixels are going through the shader
3.) the shader is using/producing procedural content so instead of loading textures, the shader just generates the requiered informations based on the pixels position and some additional parameters defined by the artist.